Can Neuromovement help my child?

Neuromovement can help a wide variety of diagnosis's including (but not limited to):

How long before we see results?

You should see changes within the first three lessons. Changes may seem small or very ​dramatic, but any change is proof that their brain is capable of much more!

My own son, Leif, was born with severe global brain damage due to lack of oxygen during ​delivery. Changes I have seen in him include:

  • Complete recovery from severe nystagmus as well as gained the ability to track ​objects with his eyes despite his CVI diagnosis
  • Reduce spasticity and increased range of motion (rolls and reaches for toys when he ​previously could not)
  • Falls asleep faster and stays asleep longer
  • Better appetite and more interest in exploring new foods
  • He is generally more calm, happy, and engaged with his environment

Click here to read more testimonials and discover what’s possible for you and your child!

How often should we get lessons?

For the best results, we recommend booking periodic intensives, anywhere from 3-6 ​lessons over 2-3 days. This allows for really a potent burst of learning with plenty of time ​to rest and integrate in between each lesson.

While your child will still experience changes with one lesson a week, results may be ​slower to emerge due to the child having so much time between lessons.

How can we prepare for our lesson?

  • Lessons typically last from 30-45 minutes. The younger the child, the shorter the ​lesson may be so they don’t get overloaded.
  • Dress your child in clothes that are warm and comfortable to move in.
  • Learning is hard work and the brain burns a lot of calories when so active. Expect your ​child to be tired and/or hungry after each lesson.
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Stroke
  • Brain Injury
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Genetic Disorders (Down's Syndrome, Fragile X, etc.)
  • Global Delays
  • Undiagnosed Disorders
  • Children struggling in school (academically and/or ​behaviorally)